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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sneaking out with Sam

July 6th

The other night Sam and I sneaked out from 2AM until 5AM.  We went to Kristi's and Country Kitchen.  The police came to C.K. We got paranoid and sat with the people in front of us. We laughed a lot!

Last night Sam drove my Step Dad's car. We went to Kristi's and drove around.  A cop pulled us over and told us it was passed curfew. He also told us that our lights weren't on.  He said he wouldn't give us a ticket if we just went straight home.  We went in the basement to talk. She rode her bike home around 4am.  My step dad drove his car today. I'm paranoid that he knows that we took it out.

Tomorrow I have to go to court for shoplifting.  I'm so scared. I want to run away.

I talked to Eric last night. I hadn't talked to him in 2 weeks.  He is moving to Utah at the end of August.  I'm going to miss him!

Josh has written me a couple of times in Emails. He wanted to know if I was coming back to S.V.A. because he heard that.  He said he wishes he could tell me stuff that was going on.  I don't feel like writing back.

Karen sent me an Email too. She told me that when she was in Mexico she got really drunk and tried cocaine.  She was with her guy cousin and 5 other guys.  She feels really stupid because she got in the car with her cousin who had drank 10 beers.  Her mom had gotten mad that she stayed out so late.  She wrote "Even your little decisions count. They can change your life forever. Change sucks. I feel like I'm two people and I wonder what my other self would have done in Mexico.  I'm so bored here in Maryland."  I miss Karen so much!

*The sad thing is I never saw Eric again.  And a year later a guy in my class told me that he committed suicide after he moved to Utah.

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