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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Reunited with Jake

December 8th

It's 1AM, but I think I should write in here. So much has happened that I can't even believe it!
First, I will start off with that I wrote Sam's parents a letter asking for a second chance to be her friend. I dropped it off in the mailbox at her house on Monday.
Let's get back to Sunday. I went to Jordan's house and watched the movie Armageddon. Steve was there too. Jordan gave me some pink socks with black cats on them that said "I do bad things". Steve and Jordan couldn't keep their hands off me. They kept tickling me! Jordan told me that Steve really liked me.Later, Tim came over. He told me to watch out for Jordan. That he was trying to hook up with me.
On Monday, I saw my social worker. Her name is Sharon. I told her straight out that I didn't like her. I was bound to say it sooner or later. I mean she's a bitch!
After that I went to Jury training for peer court. I saw my ex boyfriend Steve. I met this girl Ashley that gave me a ride home. We couldn't stop talking. She did the same thing that I did (Steal from Shopko). Ashley told me that guys were talking about Steve.  Saying that he was gay and that they saw him holding hands with a guy. He doesn't even talk to me!
Ashley lives like an hour away.  It's too bad because I really like her. She said she felt like she knew me for a long time. We exchanged phone numbers. She smokes pot! She said she might invite me to a party sometime.
On Tuesday, I gave a letter to Sabrina to give to George saying that I wanted to break up. Sabrina said that George agreed with what I said in the letter.
I talked to Karen on the phone.  I ended up crying because I missed her so much!
Steve called me from High Rollers. We talked for a long time. Jordan got on the phone, but never figured out that it was me!
On Thursday, Jake called me! I went over to Kristi's to see him. Jake and I ended up making out. He has to go back to jail for 3 months in January. He is living with Bridgette and the baby. Jake told me that he doesn't like Sam anymore.  It was her idea to call the police on him for having sex with Summer who was 15 while he was 20. Summer told the police that she gave Jake a blow job. I thought they had sex, but according to Jake they didn't.
Sam told me that she called Bridgette and she said that they were moving to Indiana. I thought that I would never see Jake again! Sam lied by the way. Is that really a big surprise? Everyone I talk to says she lies. I'm not sure that I want to be friends with a Compulsive lair!
Well, after Jake left, Kristi and I decided to go to Riverside park and see the Christmas lights. On our way there we met 3 guys that wanted to drink and party. They told us that we could stop by later if we wanted to. We never did though. Kristi ran into some other people she knew that were having a party.
Then I ran into Zach who was friends with Sam. He told me that she was back. I asked him if Sam lies and he said yes.
Kristi and I then went to the Gas Station and guess who I saw? Jon! Yes, that's right! The guy that I met at Riverside park this past summer and later that night made out with him at his apt. He gave me his new number. I haven't decided if I'm going to call him or not.
When I got home I talked to Sabrina and Steve on the phone.
On Friday, Jake picked me up in his ghetto car with Kristi in the back seat. We went back to Kristi's house. Jake and I made out a little bit, but I didn't have a lot of time because I had to go to work at the Pizza place. If Kristi's mom would have been gone I was almost ready to have sex with Jake. He knows that.
Jake dropped me off at work. I had to close so I was there until after 11PM! I'm so tired.
Kristi told me that Jake has a big dick. I'm scared, but I think I want to lose my virginity to him.

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