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Thursday, November 6, 2014

"I'm falling for you bad!"

December 10th

You are my new journal!  I'm going to miss my last journal. I wrote so much stuff in it! (Taken from Journal #2)

Last night I stayed up until 2AM! I checked my email last night.  Jake wrote to me. He wrote things like "You're so damn sexy!" "I'm falling for you bad!"  and  "I liked that shirt you wore today!" The shirt was metallic blue and had a loop in the front. Jake also asked for my number because he has been calling from Kristi's who knows my number. Jake is 20 years old.
I hung out with Samantha who used to go out with Ryan.  They were both living with Jake and Bridgette last summer. At the time Bridgette was pregnant with Jake's baby.  She has had it now. This is Jake's second child. Sam introduced me to Jake and Ryan. Jake used to live by Kristi in the apt. they stayed at during the summer.
I already knew Kristi because we met in the Psych Ward the first time I went in there last January. Then I got to know her better after I O.D.'d on pills last March.  The Court ordered me to go to Day Treatment and Kristi was in Day Treatment as well.
Sam and I sneaked out a lot last summer. She would ride her bike in the middle of the night and we would see Kristi. We would walk around town. We would hang out at Country Kitchen. It was so much fun hanging out with her.
One night I spent the night at Sam's house and we took her car.  We went to get Ryan.  The next night we got Ryan and Jake. That's the night I started falling for Jake and we kissed in the back seat. Ryan and Sam had sex in the car.
Anyway, that night Sam and I got caught and Sam went to jail. Sam got out the next day and started living at Jake's apt.
At the end of July Jake and Bridgette got evicted and had to move out. Jake went to jail for letting this girl Summer give him a blow job. She was 15 while he was 20.
Sam and Ryan moved away and ended up living over an hour away. She lived with Casey because Ryan was an asshole. He went to jail for smashing a windshield of a car with a baseball bat. He was jealous because Sam was hanging out with another guy. Ryan ended up being abusive to Sam. When he was in jail he threatened to kill her. She got a restraining order against him. She also had a miscarriage with his baby.
Sam moved back with her parents. Her parents don't want her to talk to me. I haven't seen her because I'm on Home Bound Schooling. I was really depressed and didn't want to go to school. So now I have to catch up on my work.
Jake got out of jail, but I don't know when. He will have to go back in January for 3 months. He is now living on the North Side of town. He is living with Bridgette and the baby.  He says he wants to leave her, but she threatens to commit suicide if he does. He wants her to be a good mom to his son.
Jake called me 3 days ago from Kristi's house. I came over and we ended up making out. I think I might lose my virginity to him! We will see!
Jake doesn't like Sam because she made Kristi call the cops on Summer for running away from Juvenille Detention Center. When the police came Summer told the police that she gave a blow job to Jake.
Sam is still on probation for taking her family's car without their consent the night we got caught sneaking out. She was also in jail for 6 days for writing "Fuck You Pig" on a cop car. She can be so stupid sometimes!
Everyone I talk to that knows Sam tell me that she lies. She says I'm her best friend, but I don't know anymore.
I was only officially broken up with George (Jorge) the day before I saw Jake!

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