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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

"Still a good kisser!"

December 10th

My friend Jake E. asked me to see a movie with him. He's the guy that I met in the Psych ward. He tried to get other people to go, but they couldn't go. We saw the movie 6 Days. It was about cloning people and the future. It was so weird! During the movie Jake put his arm around me and was playing with my hair. Finally, I took his arm off me. He said he was sorry and I said it was o.k. It really annoyed me though. I thought we were just friends!
Every guy I become friends with ends up liking me. And lately, guys can't keep their hands off me. I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy about that or not. I'm not sure if I like it. I guess Jake thought I was a date because he paid for the movie. I told him not to. I'm glad I can tell guys no by pulling their hands away. Sometimes it's hard. It's getting easier, but I usually take a while to do something about it.
After the movie we went to the mall where the theater was. Then Jake's dad came to pick us up and they dropped me off at work.
I really want to tell you more about Jake S.! When I got to Kristi's the first day I saw him since the end of July I sat on the couch. He was sitting on a chair talking to one of Kristi's friends. Then Kristi took a phone call. Jake and I talked and he answered a lot of my questions about this past summer.
Then Jake said "Are you going to give me a hug?" I went over and gave him a hug. He pulled me onto his lap. He turned and said "Bad thoughts!" I asked "What are you thinking?" He said "I don't tell, I express." I was like "O.k. do it then!"
Then he kissed me. I fell for him all over again. He said "Still a good kisser!" I don't remember how we got to Kristi's room, but we did. He kissed my ears and my neck. And he kept kissing me! I was so glad to be with him again. I was wearing this blue shirt with a hole in the front (The hole was supposed to be there). Jake liked it. He stuck his finger down and found my boob.
I've realized I can't say "No" to Jake. That could be a bad thing, but I don't know. I remember on Friday Jake and I kissed when Kristi's mom was out of view. We were in Kristi's room. I was laying on him half way.
When I got up to put my hair in a pony tail for work Jake came up behind me. He put his arms around me. He said "You're lucky I don't give you hickey's." I also remember him saying "You are so pretty. How did I get so lucky?" "You have a cute butt." "If this keeps up I'm going to fall in love with you" "You're still the cutest girl I've kissed."
When I looked back on some entries I still talk about Jake. I really missed him. I can't forget him or just get over him. I said I was over him, but I wasn't.
I didn't tell you this, but when I was at High Rollers I told Sabrina about Jake. I told her that Dish (his ex) made me remember him. I told her that I had fallen in love with Jake. I really thought about him that night and I missed him. Jake says he thought about me too.
Remember I told you about Ashleigh's tarot cards saying that Jake and I would end up together? Who knows what will happen!

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