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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Sex is like Pringles

December 12th

Yesterday I was reading all the articles I saved about sex.  It made me scared that I could get an STD. Last night my mom asked me if I was planning on staying a virgin. I said something like "I don't know... I think so." Bad answer! I should have just said 'Yes' to get her to back off. This morning she said "I can't stop you from having sex, but use protection. And it's going to hurt!"
When I told Sam I might have sex with George she said, "It's going to hurt, but then it's like Pringles! Once you pop, you can't stop! Losing virginity is a big deal for a girl."
I talked to my friend Jake E. this morning. He told me that one time he was emptying the trash after this girl Jennifer came over.  His parents saw the condom in the trash. They told him to always use protection.
Are you sick of hearing about sex,
yet? Well, I have more to say. I already told you that Sam had a miscarriage and Jake S. has two kids. This girl (Nikki) I knew from Day Treatment is pregnant. This girl, Kennon, had two abortions. Even Steve told me he knew of a girl who got pregnant because a condom broke.
I actually know a lot of people that have had sex. So what's the big deal?
All of Jake E.'s friends go over to his house and have sex sometimes. Almost everyone I know has lost their virginity. I was the only virgin at Day Treatment.
When i talked to this guy, Matt (He's friends with Kristi and Jake S.), he said, "Oh, you're the one that is still a virgin!"
One time I was at Jake S.'s apt. and sitting on his lap.  I was kissing him. This guy Jon was there and said "So if I'm staying here do I get some too?"Jake said "She's a virgin!"
I actually do know some virgins, but the last 6 guys I've kissed only one was a virgin! So what am I waiting for, right?
Well, the last time I talked to my friend Karen (She's a virgin), she told me that sometimes she really wants to have sex.
My Mom also told me to have sex with someone who cares about me.
I was reading this Life Strategies book for Teens. Something popped out at me. He wrote that it's not true affection isn't sneaking your boyfriend or girlfriend in your house when your parents aren't home. It's funny that I read that after I did it.
I looked up the word 'affectionate' and it says tender and loving.
Who knows if Jake S. even cares about me. I just feel so alive when I'm with him. He's the only guy that I wanted to do it with. The only thing is that he doesn't like to wear a condom.
I'm scared to have sex, but I'm so curious about it.
It's just like when I wanted to have my first french kiss. I couldn't stop wondering about it. The same applies now. I'm so confused and I don't know what to do.
I just want to live in the now. I don't like thinking about the future because I'm afraid of it.
What's so bad about sex? I never know what I'm supposed to do or think.
Jake S. Says he wants more than sex from me. Should I believe it?

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