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Monday, October 6, 2014

Samantha isn't a virgin

July 11th

I guess the best way of putting it is, Surprise, Surprise, Samantha is not a virgin!  She lied to me so many times about that! Do you want to know how I found out? Well, let's see, Samantha (Sam) and I were going to sneak out.  I had spent the night at her house Sunday, and we sneaked out taking her car.  We went to go get Ryan, her boyfriend, and cruised around.  Ryan wanted to do it again the next night so it was a plan.

On Monday night at 1AM I got picked up. Ryan and Jake were already in the car.  We drove around. At one point we stopped at Jake's house. Bridgette told Sam that her Step Dad had called wondering where she was.

Sam then wanted to go to her house to check if the lights were on.  For some reason Sam decided to go inside and her Step Dad grabbed her arm. He said "Where do you think you're going?" She ran out and we drove away.

Sam was losing it. She kept crying.  She calmed down eventually.  We stopped at the Gas station to get gas. Jake went inside to get cigarettes.  We finally stopped at a park.  Sam and Ryan went off somewhere.  Jake and I sat under a bridge.  We talked and I told him I was falling for him. He told me that he was the reason he came along.  We were getting bitten by mosquitoes so we walked back to the car.

When we got to the car it was foggy.  Sam and Ryan were inside.  Jake looked in and took my arm to go the other way.  "What are they doing?" I asked. "What do you think?" Jake asked.  "I thought Sam was a virgin!" I said. Jake replied "Not since I've known her!"

Later we drove away. Jake and I were in the back seat. I kissed him on the cheek. He said "If we are going to do this we are going to do it right." Then he kissed me.  We made out.  He kissed my neck and my ears. It was an amazing feeling to be with him.  

Sam was telling me about something Ryan said during sex. Ryan got so mad.  Ryan got out and kicked the car.  Sam and him were arguing.  Ryan then took his shirt off and and lit it on fire with his lighter. Then he stomped on the t-shirt.  Sam and I drove off.  I suddenly realized that they had left their cigarettes in the car so we drove back.

Sam and Ryan got in the car and talked.  They drove around the block.  Jake and I talked on the steps of his house.

Sam and I drove off. When Sam was going to drop me off at home there was a Police car sitting there.  I told her to drive around for a while.  I knew my mom must have called the cops because I wasn't home.  We were driving closer to her house when this cop car stopped us.  He asked for our ID's. When he realized who we were he arrested both of us.  Then he put us in different cop cars.

I looked at Sam in the cop car in front of me. She mouthed to me "I'm going to jail." She was 17 and charged as an adult.  Her step dad had his name on the car that she drove so she was charged with stealing a car.  I was charged with joy riding.

 I was brought to the Police Station. My mom came to pick me up.  As soon as I could I called Jake and Ryan. Bridgette answered and told me that Sam had already called from jail. Bridgette is Jake's girlfriend.  I finally went to sleep.

Jake quotes that I remember: "I thought you older... Can I kidnap you?.. You are the prettiest girl I've kissed."

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