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Monday, October 6, 2014

Sam is pregnant

August 20th

Thursday I went to an underage club called Southclub with Corey and Paul.  Corey left with some girl.  I saw a girl I knew named Michelle and her friend Dawn. Michelle left with some people to get drunk.  Paul gave Dawn a ride home. I saw some people I knew from my old high school. I danced with Kerry.  Kerry and his two friends Ryan and Tony drove me home. Kerry held my hand the whole way there.

On Friday Sam called to tell me that her and Ryan broke up.  He is in jail for smashing the windshield of this guy's car that Sam was hanging out with. He got jealous. Sam is now 1 month pregnant with Ryan's baby.  She is going to live with this girl Jackie that we both know. She lives about an hour away. I'm going to miss hanging out with Sam.

On Friday night, I went with Ashliegh, Bill, and Dan to the underage club the Warehouse.  It was fun! There was just a DJ instead of a band.  Ashleigh really likes Bill. Ashleigh and Bill have been hanging out all week.  The bad part is that now Bill and Dan both like me.

On Saturday night I went to the Warehouse with both Bill, Dan, and Ashleigh.  During the Benjamin Band Bill put his arms around me.  Ash and Dan got mad so they both left.  Midtown was an awesome band!  Bill dragged me up to the front. Later Bill took some people home in his car.

Bill took me to this grave yard where his friend is buried.  He told me that there is only one of his high school friends alive.  He said that in high school his friends played with a Ouija board one night. After that his friends started dying.  Then we went up to the Bluff and parked.  We talked till 2AM. He put his arms around me in the back seat, but he didn't kiss me. When I got home my mom was mad and grounded me.

Ashleigh is so mad at Bill and me. He could have been charged with kidnapping me.  I could have been charged with curfew.  She told me that Bill and her stayed out till 4AM. Her mother grounded her for 3 months. She thought Bill would have learned the first time. Bill was scared when she told him he could have gone to jail. He just really wanted someone to talk to and I was there.

Today Ash told me that 3 guys asked her if I "Put Out" since I left with Bill that night. Two girls asked her if I was a "Hoe".  Whitney Chase told her that I was "Bi" and that I'm her Ex girlfriend. She thought Ash was my new girlfriend.  She asked about Bill and me.  She even said that she wanted to kiss me again. I wouldn't be surprised if Whitney was the one telling everyone I'm a hoe.  I don't like Whitney at all!

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