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Monday, October 6, 2014

Jake is in jail

August 14th

So 13 days ago I was with Kim and Shane. We went to the park and met these guys there (Chris, Jon, and Dominique).  They gave us their address and phone number.  We went there that night.

When we got there Jon and I sat on the couch.  We started kissing.  They were all drinking beers.  I only had a couple sips.  The cops came because there was a noise complaint.  One of the cops recognized me. The same cop later knocked on the door again.  I guess my mom was looking for me.  The cop drove me home and I got a curfew ticket.  He made me blow a breathalyzer, but I passed.  So glad I didn't drink more.

Jake is in jail because he had sex with Summer.  She is only 15 years old and he is 20.  Bridgette caught them.  I have a feeling she told her mom and she called the cops on him. She wants Bridgette and him to stay together. Bridgette is now pregnant with Jake's baby.  She is probably staying with her mom now because they got evicted from their apartment. I don't know where Sam and Ryan went. I miss Sam!

Lately, I've been hanging out with Kim and Ashleigh. We always hang out at this underage club called the Warehouse.  We play pool and listen to bands.  Recently Ashleigh and Arylss broke up. I know she is upset.

I told you that Ashleigh read my Tarot cards. She is totally right!  My Dad is coming back!  He is in NYC now.  I can't believe it!

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