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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Jon or Bill?

August 23rd

Guess what? Jon's number works now! If I really wanted to I could talk to him tonight. After the first ring I hung up! I freaked! Now I need to decide who I really like, Jon or Bill.  I don't know what to do.   I don't really know either of them that well.  I think they both like me, but now what? I just keep thinking of Jon kissing me. Then I go back to Bill and me cuddling, and all the stuff he said to me.  It's all starting to drive me crazy now. I'm so dreamy now thinking about them both.  They both made me laugh, which is making me laugh just thinking about it.

Oh no! What if Jon found another girl?  It's been 2 weeks since I talked to him! Well, maybe then I wouldn't have to choose between him and Bill.

I have to go to court now. To be continued...

I just got home from court.  The case had to do with me joy riding over the summer with Sam when we sneaked and she took her family's car.  I have an agreement that I can't get into any more trouble till February.  I also have 20 hours of community service.

I'm working at a Pizza place now.  While I was at work Sam called.  I got the message that she is coming on the 27th.  She wants me to me to go to court with her on the 28th.  I called her back, but Casey her boyfriend told me she was at a friends house.

I called Bill, but his mom told me that she hadn't seen him all day.  I hope that i get to talk to him soon!

I called Jon's number again.  Bad news!  By the second ring I got a voice that told me that the number was out of order.  Oh well.  At least now I know I should focus on Bill.  If not, then I hope I meet a cute guy when school starts.

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