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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

If we could only turn back time

August 22nd

I'm sitting in my room listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers. I tried to call Bill before, but it was busy forever! I hope I can talk to him soon!  I still can't get over the fact that people actually went up to Ashleigh and said I was a Hoe. Whatever!
Samantha called. We talked for a while. She is going out with this guy Casey.  She is living with him and his mother. She starts school tomorrow. I wish that she could go to school with me! She told me that she got high with weed a few times there. She is coming here on the 28th for court. I can't wait to see her!

You know who I miss? Jake!  Sam told me that she missed him too! Remember she lived with him this past summer?  He was like a brother to her.  I was falling for him. Why did he have to Fuck Summer and go to jail? That stupid Slut! He wouldn't be in jail if it wasn't for her.  I miss going to his apt.!

I used to be scared of the future. I guess I still am, but not as much as I used to be. I just hope that I make smarter choices in the future.

Do you ever think about chain reactions?  Like if this wouldn't have happened, then this wouldn't have happened? It's really weird to think about.  What "If's" too!  Sometimes I get so mad!  I mean, don't you ever wish you could turn back time and do things differently? I have plenty of times!

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