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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bill and I finally kiss

August 26th

I just got back from Walgreens to get some ice cream. I tried to call Bill, but the line was busy.  I called Ashleigh and she told me that she was talking to Bill online. I told her to tell him to call me, but I don't think she told him. I know she still likes him.  I asked her if I could come over and she said yes.

I walked to her house. She was hanging with Kim and Jenny. They were all outside when I got there.  Arlyss ,Ashleigh's ex boyfriend, called from Bill's house. Soon after Kim and Jenny left. Ashleigh went up to her room to change clothes because we were going to Bill's house. Dan was there too. Dan likes Ashleigh a lot, but she doesn't really like him like that.

While Ash was getting ready Shane and Shannon showed up. Then Dan, Bill, and Arlyss showed up. We all hung out on Ash's porch for a while.

Later, at Bill's house we watched the South Park movie and Can't Hardly Wait. Bill and I cuddled on the chair when we watched them.

We then went to Riverside Park. Ashleigh, Arylss, and Dan walked off when we got there. Bill and I went to his car alone. We went to Rocky Rococo's for pizza. Then Bill drove me home.

We finally kissed! We made out for a bit. Then at midnight I said I had to go. I'm going to call him on Monday.

Dan told me that Ashleigh is so pissed at me! I hate when people are mad at me! She probably thinks I stayed out all night with Bill. Didn't happen!

Tomorrow Sam is coming to my house. I can't wait to see her!

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