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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sam gets probation

September 6th

When Sam went to court recently, they gave her 50 hours of community service.  They also gave her probation for 2 years.  Later, she went with her parents to fill out the probation papers and the probation officer told her that we can no longer talk.  In a previous entry I wrote about how Sam and I sneaked out and got caught by the police for stealing her family's car and me joy riding.

Sam's parent's are legally emancipating her.  I talked to her a week ago. and she is really depressed. She said she has been having suicidal thoughts.  I hope she will be ok.

The last time I saw Bill was at the Mudvane show at the Warehouse. He kissed me good bye when he dropped me off. I never can get a hold of him! I'm so confused about him.  Plus, I don't really know if I can trust him.

I feel kind of alone. I'm depressed.  I was sick with a sinus infection.  I don't want to go back to school tomorrow. School really sucks and I don't wan to be there.

I cried so much when Sam left my house last Monday.  I know she cried too. I'm going to miss her.

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