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Monday, September 8, 2014

The Make Out Session

April 26th

I want pot so bad right now! I love the way it makes you feel! It's driving me nutz! When I wake up my mind says it wants it!I know it's bad, but I still want it. I really need to get out of the house.  Maybe I should sneak out one of these nights.I called my friend Chelsea today to see if she come to Madison, WI with me Friday, but she wasn't home. I made out with her brother about a month ago. Wow, does time fly or what? The first night I was with Richie I tried Pot with Cody and Dustin. Then I went to his house and he put in a movie.  He kissed me, and that was that. That was the end of the movie for us after about 5 minutes. He was the first guy I made out with.  He put his hand down my pants a couple of times, but I made him stop rubbing me because it was starting to hurt. I jerked him off later when he pulled out his dick.  I remember him saying he liked my stomach and he was touching it. He also said "God, you're beautiful!" He later walked me half way home and gave me a kiss on the cheek on the street corner.  He skate boarded away.  I liked him, but I hardly knew him. I should have waited to get to know him more. He still stays on my mind sometimes. I wonder if I ever enter his mind? I hope I do, but I know it probably would never work between us.
 I miss my friends in Virginia so much. I told Josh I needed a break from talking to him and he gave me two weeks.  Then he wrote me an email.  I wrote back, but I haven't heard from him since. I almost want to call him, but it's only because I just want someone to talk to.

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