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Friday, September 5, 2014

I like the Chinese Zodiac

June 19th

Today I felt really depressed. I hope I can take Prozac again. Anyway, I talked to my friend Ruth on the phone today.  She is living in Mississippi now. Surprise, we talked about Josh! We both think he would be great with Sarita. I do like Josh, but he is smothering me. I don't like him as much as he likes me. I think I just like the attention he gives me. Ruth and I want to try to set up Sarita and Josh in next year when I go back to school in Virginia. I know horoscopes can be bad, but it says in the Chinese Zodiac that Horses are blind to love. Josh is a Horse. It also said that Horses and Dogs are good together. Sarita is a Dog. It said that the Pig and Horse are unrealistic. I'm a Pig. I'm really glad I got to talk to Ruth. She went out with Josh. Josh said that Ruth wanted a more physical relationship. Ruth said that she didn't. She said that if he would have tried more she would have slapped him.

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