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Friday, September 5, 2014

Confused about guys at 15

May 20th

You know I haven’t exactly told you what my Mom thinks of Josh.  She said she thinks he’s a nice guy, but told me it’s more important about what I think. I guess I’m not sure what my feelings are. When we are alone I think I should tell him we should just be friends. The only thing is that it’s hard to tell him what I think.  Deep down I do kinda like him. Ruth (a girl Josh went out with) told me that she felt like he smothered her. She likes her freedom so she broke up with him. He always needed to know where she was and he wanted to be with her all the time. He got so attached to her. I like my freedom too. I don’t think I would like him doing that to me. Not sure what to tell him or how to tell him.

Today I found out that another guy likes me. It’s a guy that I've known since I was around 7 years old. His name is Mike.  I thought we were just friends which we still are. One day I was goofing around. I was pretending that I liked him. I even gave him a little kiss (no tongue!). I think he knew I was joking around, but I must have turned him on. It’s nice to have guys like you, but I don’t exactly know what to say to them. I love being friends with guys. Sometimes they can be more fun than girls! I really want a romantic relationship someday, but I’m definitely not ready now. Some days I want a relationship and other days I don’t. Weird or not? 

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