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Friday, September 5, 2014

Another 15 year old rant


Today I’m not as angry as I was in my last entry. Today was an up and down kind of day. You know what? Writing down my thoughts really helps me. I think I will do this more often. Today I wasn't late for class! You are probably thinking so what? I get 2% off my grade if I’m late. The 20 year old guy I told you about is Josh. My Mom met him today. He was walking by to go to work and she met up with him in her car. I’m going to make the right choices if I can. How do you sort out how you feel about a guy? I think I like Josh. I know he likes me. He seems sweet. I don’t think I will end up dating him, but I don’t want to not be friends with him. I just want one kiss from him and I will be happy. I don’t want to have this whole big relationship with him that will bring up my wedding day. I think that I really do like the attention he gives me. He’s not the cutest guy, but I like his personality. It's not all about looks, but sometimes you gotta look at a guy twice! I really want to marry a really good guy. They say you won’t marry any guy you haven’t dated. I want to date good guys. I think Josh is a good guy, but would I marry him? I wish I knew what to do about him. I wish I knew what I wanted and what would make me happy. I wish I knew a lot of things.

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