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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sam's Birthday

June 6th

Back story: Shane (Sam's Ex boyfriend) was at Kristi's house and Sam saw him. He had been in jail and he had gotten out.  Sam is scared of him. She knew he had some fine's to pay so she called the police.  He got arrested and is still in jail.

A week ago on Saturday it was Sam's 17th Birthday on the 17th of this month. It was her Golden Birthday!  Travis, Adam, and Sam showed up at my house. We walked to Kristi's house. Travis kept trying to put his arm around me.  When we got to Kristi's Travis left with Kristi and two bigger girls.

 Now it was Adam, Jake, Sam, and me.  We walked around town. Jake was doing crazy things. He was spitting out water at Sam and me.  Then he would put his lighter up at our butts.  Sam was flirting with him big time. She was saying all kinds of tempting things. Once she even got her gum in his mouth. Sam can get really crazy sometimes.  Adam spanked Sam 17 times and Jake held on to her.

We ended up at Rocky Rococo's. Jake said he wasn't hungry, but he kept trying to grab the pizza from my hands. He was also throwing salt and while Adam threw pepper. How immature!  Jake is 20 years old!

Then Sam yelled "Eric!"  I was like "Where?" And then I saw him.  I ran over to him and gave him a hug.  Then Sam sat on the other side of him and I sat next to him.  She soon sat by Adam and Jake again.  I stayed to talk to Eric.

Adam's mom came to pick him up.  He lives a half hour away.  Sam left with Jake to get him some shoes.  This whole time he hadn't been wearing any.

Eric paid my way in to this underage club called the Warehouse.  After a while of listening to the band we started talking.  A little while later we left and looked for Sam and Jake.  We gave up and sat down on a bench to talk. Eric walked me home. He kissed me good bye.

Side story: Jake is mad at me right now. He is such a Jerk!  A couple days ago he was whipping me and Sam with a spatula and calling us "Hoes"! I got mad and said "I feel bad for your son, Austin!"  He got really mad. He even threatened to kill me!  I said, "I'm so tired of your shit!" He said, "I don't care if you were joking, but no one says anything to him about his son!"  I guess he is protective of his son.

You know what? For some reason I want pot right now.  I heard this funny song at Kristi's house today.  It got stuck in my head.  The song was "I want to be a Hippy" by Technohead.  "I want to be a hippie and I want to get stoned Mari-Marijuana.."

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