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Friday, September 5, 2014

Julia Roberts Inspires me

August 16th

I was reading an article about Julia Roberts (one of my favorite actresses). Two things that she said really effected me. Quote "If we didn't have crappy days then we wouldn't want to be happy as much as we do. Happiness wouldn't be held so high. We wouldn't long for it unless we were sad sometimes" Quote "If you worry about the future 10 years from now what will you be doing then? When you get there will you forget all the things you did before you got up to that point? You won't know what to do from there. So worry about now and make the best for today." I worry to much about the future. I have too much to worry about now.

I'm on a plane flying back to Wisconsin from New Jersey. I had so much fun in New Jersey with my Dad's side of the family! :) I went to my cousin Jimmy and Lori's wedding. They are in Hawaii now. I was the Jr. Brides maid. I caught the Bride's bouquet, but I didn't let the guy put the garter on me. I had sooo much fun dancing!

The next day I went to Dorney Park. I went with my cousin Lori (The one that didn't get married). We were with her boyfriend Mark and all her friends. I went on my first Roller Coaster! I went on four of them!One had a 205 feet drop. I went on the Dominator too, which has a 200 feet drop! I went to the beach too. It was so fun!

Today is my Mom's Birthday and I haven't seen her. My Grandma might pick me up from the airport and I might spend the night there. My mom might still be packing because we are moving closer to my Grandma tomorrow.

Tomorrow I have to go to my New High School and do Orientation. I'm so nervous! I'm not going back to Virginia to go to school this school year.  It's really sad. I have a lot of changes in my life right now.

I never told you a story about what happened two weeks ago. My Mom and I were in the car arguing. I was on my period and I got really mad. I pushed her and then ran out of the car. We happened to be in the parking lot of some stores. I walked around thinking she would find me. Then 5 guys on their bikes pulled up. Long story short I rode one of their bikes with them to Walmart after much trouble at the payphone. My aunt wasn't home so I called my Grandma to see if she could pick me up. It was starting to get dark so I was getting worried.  I gave Cory my number and kissed him on the cheek before she came. He has been calling me a lot lately.

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